Request an Appointment

Take the allergy quiz

We measure your allergy symptoms over time with our easy and effective allergy quiz to find out if you're a candidate for allergy shots or allergy drops!

After you've completed the following Self-Assessment Quiz and submitted your information, we will contact you about your results.

face none
face slight
face mild
face bad
face intense
face severe
1. Outdoors
2. Spring
3. Summer
4. Fall
5. Winter
6. Indoors
7. Cat
8. Dog
9. When you wake up
10. When you get home
11. Sneezing
12. Runny nose

Click the submit button below to share your Allergy Self-Assessment Quiz results with our office.

Thank you! Your results from the Allergy Self-Assessment have been submitted.
Someone from our office will be in touch with you soon
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