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WHAT is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis occurs when the tissues lining the sinuses become swollen and inflamed, leading to blocked sinuses. This condition, caused by various factors, affects 31 million adults in the US and can be challenging to treat. Even with medication, sinusitis can persist, significantly impacting the patient's quality of life. At Capo Nose & Sinus Center, our team is dedicated to helping you regain control of your health.

what is sinusitis diagram

WHAT Causes Sinusitis?

There are a variety of factors that can cause chronic sinusitis. These causes may include:

  • Bacteria
  • Infections
  • Allergies
  • Nasal lining inflammation
man sneezing

WHAT are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

Sinusitis presents with a range of symptoms that vary by individual, highlighting the importance of consulting an ENT doctor for an accurate diagnosis and customized treatment plan. Typical symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • Facial pain and/or pressure around the eyes, nose, jaw, and teeth
  • Fatigue from poor sleep due to nighttime congestion and sinus pain
  • Low-grade fever
  • Continual stuffy nose caused by swollen nasal passages
  • Blocked nasal passageways
  • Decrease in sense of taste and smell
  • Headaches
  • Mucus trickling down the back of the nose, into the throat (known as postnasal drip)
  • Green, yellow or even cloudy mucus draining from the nose (known as nasal discharge)

WHAT are the Different Sinusitis Variants?

Sinusitis can be categorized into three main types: acute, chronic, and recurrent. While these types share similar symptoms, they differ in the duration and frequency of the infections:

  • Acute Sinusitis: Acute sinusitis is a short-term inflammation of the sinuses, typically lasting up to four weeks. It often follows a cold or respiratory infection, causing the bothersome symptoms listed above.

o Subacute Sinusitis: If your infection sticks around for more than 6 weeks and then you see an improvement in your symptoms, you’ve experienced subacute sinusitis.

  • Chronic Sinusitis: Chronic sinusitis is a prolonged inflammation of the sinuses lasting 12 weeks or more. It often requires more extensive treatment and management as it often persists despite medication.
  • Recurrent Sinusitis: Recurrent sinusitis refers to multiple episodes of acute sinusitis occurring several times (at least 4) within a calendar year. Each episode is typically resolved with treatment, but the frequent recurrences indicate an ongoing issue with sinus inflammation.

WHAT are the Sinusitis Treatment Options?

Suffering from sinusitis can have negative effects on one’s quality of life. Luckily, patients have various treatment options to consider to achieve relief. These options can range from over-the-counter medications to surgical procedures. A consultation with Dr. Capo will help you identify the most effective treatment options for your condition and decide on the best course of action:

  • Medication: Based on the severity, duration, and nature of your symptoms, our physician might suggest various treatments to help manage them. This could include over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, or even home remedies.
  • Balloon Sinuplasty: Also known as balloon sinus dilation, this minimally invasive procedure is performed in the comfort of our office and is designed to alleviate sinus drainage problems. During this treatment, a small balloon is inserted and inflated to gently widen your natural sinus passages, helping to relieve symptoms effectively.
sinus dilation diagram
  • Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS): In some cases, our physician may suggest sinus surgery to enhance sinus drainage and function. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is designed to correct anatomical issues in the nasal passages, which helps to widen the sinus openings and improve mucus flow. Balloon sinuplasty can also be performed alongside FESS to further assist in relieving symptoms.

Let Capo Nose & Sinus Center Help

Our expert team is here to diagnose your sinusitis and develop a treatment plan just for you. We take the time to listen carefully, assess your condition in detail, and provide solutions that are tailored to your needs. Don't suffer in silence—book a consultation today and breathe easier once more.

family walking

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