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STOP Sinusitis

Sinus issues can significantly disrupt your daily life, leading to troublesome symptoms, such as congestion and headaches, that affect both your physical and mental well-being. At Capo Nose & Sinus Center, our goal is to provide the relief you need so you can fully engage in your daily activities and social life. Partner with us to address your sinusitis and restore your quality of life.

sinusitis versus healthy sinus diagram

STOP Symptoms of Sinusitis

Sinusitis symptoms are different from those of a common cold. While cold symptoms generally improve within 3-5 days, sinusitis persists for over 10 days without showing signs of improvement. Other symptoms you might experience include:

  • Facial pain with or without pressure around the eyes, nose, jaw and teeth
  • General fatigue caused by nighttime congestion and pain impacting sleep quality
  • Low grade fever
  • Continual stuffy nose from swollen nasal passages, leading to breathing issues and nasal obstruction
  • Blocked nasal passages
  • Diminished sense of smell and taste
  • Headaches
  • Postnasal drip (meaning mucus trickling down the back of the nose into the throat)
  • Nasal discharge (meaning green/yellow/cloudy mucus draining from the nose)

Getting an accurate diagnosis of sinusitis from a skilled ENT specialist is crucial. At Capo Nose & Sinus Center, our dedicated team of professionals is here to help you resolve your sinus issues and find lasting relief.

lady blowing nose

STOP Sinusitis and Regain Control of Your Health

Patients with sinusitis can explore a variety of treatment options with Dr. Capo, from over-the-counter remedies to surgical interventions.

  • Medications: Based on the severity and duration of your symptoms, our doctor may suggest various medications to ease your discomfort. These options could include prescriptions, over-the-counter remedies, or home-based treatments.

o Decongestants: These are used to reduce the swelling of the sinus lining.

o Nasal and systemic steroids: Chronic inflammation can be reduced with these treatment solutions.

  • Balloon Sinuplasty: Balloon sinuplasty, or balloon sinus dilation, is a minimally invasive procedure performed in the comfort of our office. It aims to address drainage problems and enhance nasal anatomy via a small balloon that gently enlarges your natural sinus openings. Balloon sinuplasty is a patient-friendly alternative to surgery.

o STOP sinusitis with one single procedure.

o The intervention lasts about an hour at our office.

o It boasts quick recovery times and remarkable results.

balloon diagram
  • Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS): For some patients, traditional sinus surgery (FESS) might be the best course of action. The goal is to improve sinus drainage by enhancing mucus flow from the natural sinus openings by optimizing the nasal anatomy. Balloon sinuplasty can be used in conjunction with a FESS procedure.

STOP Sinusitis with Capo Nose & Sinus Center

At Capo Nose & Sinus Center, Dr. Capo and our expert team are committed to helping you overcome sinusitis. Schedule an appointment with our skilled and compassionate professionals today to put an end to your sinus issues and regain your vitality.

Happy couple

More to Explore: Sinus

Chronic Sinus InfectionsSinus Infection TreatmentBalloon SinuplastyFAQ: Balloon SinuplastyWHAT is Sinusitis?STOP Sinusitis

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Nasal Airway ObstructionIn-Office Nasal Procedures